Friday, October 31, 2014

Kiwango cha kalori katika pombe kitajwe

Wataka pombe ionyeshe kiwango cha kalori kupunguza vitambi na unene wa kupitiliza

Pombe inatakiwa kuwa na nembo inayoonyesha kiwango cha kalori au kipimo cha joto litolewalo na chakula ili kupunguza vitambi au unene wa kupita kiasi.
Madaktari wa afya ya umma, wameonya kuwa glasi kubwa ya mvinyo inaweza kuwa na kiasi cha kalori 200- sawa na donati, aina ya maandazi.
Hata hivyo idadi kubwa ya watu hawajui madhara ya kula kiwango kikubwa cha kalori.

Waziri wa Afya Jane Ellison amesema "hatua kubwa" imefanyika kwa kuviwekea nembo vyakula, na kwa suala hilo serikali italiangalia.
Sekta ya vinywaji imesema imesema iko tayari kwa wazo hilo la kuweka nembo zenye kuonyesha kiasi cha kalori, lakini kuweka nembo zinazonyesha kiwango cha kilevi katika kinywaji ni muhimu zaidi.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Maji ya kuosha wafu,kivutio cha biashara


Katika tukio la kushangaza na la kutaka kujiongezea mapato pamoja na kushamiri kwa biashara,wafanyibiashara wawili katika mtaa wa Lobengula nchini Zimbabwe walizozania maji machafu yanayopatikana baada ya kuosha wafu ambayo huyatumia kuvutia wateja.
Kwa mujibu wa BBC, Wawili hao waliojulikana kama ViolaTshuma na Molene Hadebe walikabiliana vilivyo baada ya Hadebe kuchukua kiwango kikubwa cha maji hayo ya kuosha maiti kabla ya mwenzake kuwasili.
Wafanyibiashara hao wanaodaiwa kuwa rafiki wakubwa walipata maji hayo kutoka chumba kimoja cha mazishi katika mji wa Bulawayo kwa biashara yao ya kila siku.
Kulingana na wafanyibiashara wengine maji hayo huuzwa kwa wafanyibishara na wanawake wanaotumia kufanya tambiko.
Maji hayo pia hutumika kuwazima wanaume walio wakali kwa wake zao baada ya kubaini kwamba wake hao wanawanyemelea wanaume wengine.
Wafanyibiashara waliohijiwa pia walibaini kuwa maji hayo pia hutumiwa kuosha matunda na hata nyanya ili kuwavutia wateja wengi kama wale wanaouhudhuria mazishi.

Wakatoliki wakataa kuwatambua mashoga.

Ndoa ya mashoga

Makundi ya kikatoliki yanayopigania haki za wapenzi wa jinsia moja yameelezea ghadhabu yao kutokana na hatua ya maaskofu wa kanisa hilo ya kukataa mapendekezo ya kutangaza msimamo kuhusu mashoga, wasagaji pamoja na watu waliotalakiana na wanaoana.
Wakati wa kumalizika kwa mkutano wa maaskofu wa kanisa katoliki, Vatican ilishindwa kupata theluthi mbili ya kura za maskofu wa kuunga mkono maoni yao kuhusu masuala hayo.
Kundi la kutetea haki za wapenzi wa jinsia moja nchini Marekani la New Ways Ministry limesema kuwa hatua ya maskofu hao kuamua kujadili suala hilo ni matumaini ya siku za usoni.
Masuala hayo yanatarajiwa kuzungumziwa tena baada ya mwaka mmoja.*BBC Swahili*

Hizi ni nukuu za mapenzi kutoka kwa watu maarufu duniani october 19, 2014

Bob Marley

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you.

 When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Hiki ndicho kilichowahi kutokea katika tarehe kama ya leo octoba 17, miaka mingi iliyopita

History logo
Miaka 41 iliyopita katika siku kama hii ya leo nchi za Kiarabu zinazouza nje mafuta zilianza kutekeleza vikwazo vya mafuta dhidi ya Marekani, Uingereza na makampuni yanayouuzia mafuta utawala wa Kizayuni wa Israel. Hatua hiyo ilichukuliwa kutokana na uungaji mkono mkubwa wa Marekani na Uingereza kwa utawala ghasibu wa Israel katika vita vya Israel dhidi ya Syria na Misri. Hatua hiyo ilipandisha sana bei ya mafuta katika masoko ya kimataifa na kutoa pigo kubwa kwa nchi hizo za Magharibi. Muda mfupi baadaye nchi za Kiarabu zilikiuka vikwazo hivyo vya mafuta na kuanza tena kuiuzia mafuta Marekani na Uingereza. Vikwazo hivyo vilionesha kuwa nchi za Kiislamu zina silaha muhimu inayoweza kutumiwa dhidi ya uungaji mkono mkubwa wa nchi za Magharibi kwa utawala katili wa Israel.

Na Siku kama ya leo miaka 31 iliyopita, aliaga dunia mtaalamu wa masuala ya jamii wa Kifaransa kwa jina la Raymond Aron. Aron alizaliwa mwaka 1905. Msomi huyo wa Kifaransa alikuwa akifundisha pia taaluma hiyo ya masuala ya jamii katika Chuo Kikuu cha Sorbonne, Paris kwa miaka kadhaa. Vilevile alikuwa akiandika makala katika majarida ya Le Figaro na Express mjini Paris. Raymond Aron ameandika vitabu vingi na hapa tunaweza kuashiria vitabu vyake vichache alivyovipa majina ya "Kuanza Vita vya Nyuklia, "Mapambano ya Kitabaka" na "Miaka ya Mwishoni mwa Karne".

Who Will Sing the Song? The 144000 of Revelation 14

An Amazing FactAn Amazing Fact
During the Gulf War, a small team of U.S. Navy SEALS created a diversion so convincing that it completely fooled the Iraqi army. About a dozen SEALS stormed the beaches of Kuwait and created such havoc that Iraqi generals believed the U.S.-led attack was coming from the sea. Iraq sent the majority of their army to repel this fake attack—only to find they had been duped as the main U.S. force came through the Saudi Arabian desert! Within hours the war was over, and it all started with less than 20 soldiers!

Each branch of the U.S. armed services has one or more elite teams of commandos that fight using covert guerrilla warfare tactics during special combat situations. To serve in one of these select units, a soldier must be highly disciplined and pass through incredibly difficult physical and mental training. Only those who demonstrate unflinching self control and perfect obedience qualify. These Special Forces commandos are given dangerous and complex missions; they rapidly attack enemy troops and raid behind enemy lines to clear the way for the main attacking force. Even a small team of these commandos, because of their intense training, can achieve great victories—defeating entire columns in short time.

Hizi ni nukuu mbali mbali zinazohusu maisha, zilizowahi kusemwa na watu maarufu duniani

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 
― Dr. Seuss

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” 
― Mae West

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” 
― Albert Einstein

“This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soul mate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

Ebola:Annan akosoa mataifa ya Magharibi

Annan anasema hajaridhishwa na juhudi za mataifa ya magharibi kupambana na Ebola

Katibu mkuu wa zamani wa Umoja wa Mataifa Kofi Annan amekosoa ambavyo mataifa ya magharibi yameshughulikia janga la Ebola.
Bwana Annan ameambia BBC kwamba hajaridhishwa kamwe na hatua za mataifa ya magharibi kupambana na Ebola.
''Ikiwa janga hilo lingekuwa limeathiri eneo lengine , hatua ambazo zingechukuliwa zingekuwa toifauti sana.''

Wakili asema Pistorius 'amefilisika'

Inaarifiwa Pistorius ametumia pesa zake kwa kesi inayomkabili
Pistorius aliangua kilio wakili wake alipoambia mahakama kuwa amefilisika

Mahakama inayosikiliza kesi dhidi ya mwanariadha mlemavu wa Afrika Kusini, Oscar Pistorius imeambiwa kuwa mwanariadha huyo amefilisika.
Hili lesemekana huku pande zote kwenye kesi zikitoa kauli yao ya mwisho kabla ya mahakama kutoa hukumu dhidi ya mwanariadha huyo.
Pistorius alipatikana na hatia ya mauji ya mpenzi wake Reeva Steenkamp bila ya kukusudia mwaka jana.
Jaji Thokozile Masipa anatarajiwa kutoa hukumu dhidi ya Pistorius Jumanne.
Anakabiliwa na kifungo cha miaka 15 lakini jaji anaweza kuamua kumpa kifungo cha nje au hata kumtoza faini.
Jaji ataanza kusoma hukumu Jumatatu na upande wa mashitaka unataka Pistorius apewe adhabu kubwa kuambatana na kosa lake.
Lakini mawakili wa Pistorius wameteta wakisema anapaswa kupewa adhabu ndogo kama vile huduma kwa jamii.
Wanadai kuwa mwanariadha huyo huenda akateswa akiwa jela, hoja ambayo imepingwa vikali na mkuu wa magereza.
Pistorius aliangua kilio wakli wake aliposema kuwa pesa zake zimekwisha baada ya kesi yake kufanya kwa mirzi saba.
"sio tu kwamba hana pesa bali anahisi hana tena matumaini,'' alisema wakili wa Pistorius.
Hii ni kesi yake ya kwanza. Nini kimtendekea mwanamume huyu? Nyota yake ilikuwa inaanza kung'ara,'' aliongeza bwana Roux.
Wakili alimuomba jaji kumuonea huruma Pistorius wakati atakapotoa hukumu.
Mnamo siku ya Ijumaa, kiongozi wa mashitaka alikosoa pendekezo la Pistorius kuikabidhi familia ya Reeva pesa. Hata hivyo familia ya Reeva ilikataa pesa hizo ikisema ni pesa za uovu.
Bwana Nel pia alisema ikiwa Pistorius atapewa adhabu ya kiungo cha nje na kuamrishwa kuihudumia jamii, itakuwa ni hujuma kwai adhabu hiyo itakuwa ndogo sana kulingana na kosa lake.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Vichwa vya habari magazeti ya leo October 12



Marekani yakiri mapambano ya mjini Kobani ni magumu

Waziri wa ulinzi wa Marekani Chuck Hagel amesema siku ya Jumamosi kuwa mji wa Syria wa Kobani ni tatizo kubwa na gumu, lakini mashambulizi ya angani yamepiga hatua katika kuwarudisha nyuma wapiganaji wa Dola ya Kiislamu.

Syrien Türkei Grenze Kämpfe um Kobane 10.10.2014
Vikosi vya wapiganaji wa Kikurdi wanaoulinda mji huo wameutaka muungano unaoogozwa na Marekani kuzidisha mashambulizi ya angani dhidi ya wapiganaji wa IS ambao wamezidi kuuzingira mji huo wa Syria uliyoko mpakani na Uturuki siku ya Jumamosi.

Saudia yaamuru kuungwa mkono magaidi

Saudia yaamuru  kuungwa mkono magaidi
Wizara ya Mwongozo na Wakfu ya Saudi Arabia imewataka mahatibu misikitini  kuyaungwa mkono makundi ya kigaidi. Taarifa iliyotolewa leo na wizara hiyo imeeleza kuwa, makhatibu wa misikiti nchini humo wametakiwa watoe hutuba zinazounga mkono makundi ya kigaidi na yanayobeba silaha katika baadhi ya nchi za Kiislamu. Taarifa zinasema kuwa, misimamo hiyo ya Saudi Arabia ni mwendelezo wa sera za utawala wa Aal Saud za kuyaunga mkono makundi ya kitakfiri na kigaidi ambayo hadi sasa yamesababisha ghasia na machafuko katika baadhi ya nchi za eneo la Mashariki ya Kati zikiwemo Syria, Iraq, Lebanon na Yemen. Imeelezwa kuwa, taasisi nyingi za kujitolea nchini Saudi Arabia ndizo zinazodhamini misaada ya kifedha kwa makundi ya kigaidi na kitakfiri yakiwemo Daesh, Jabhat Nusra na Taleban. 

Stages of Surrender

I have to confess that I used to suffer from a very significant disease. You might not have noticed it by looking at me, but if you had lived with me for awhile you probably would have. It has a very special name, and it’s called grandparent-deprivation syndrome. Some of you probably have it too. That is when you have adult children who are married, but you don’t have grandchildren. For a number of years my wife and I were in this condition. It can be quite serious.

One day I was returning home from Florence, Italy, and took a short hop to Frankfurt, Germany. There I got on a 12-hour flight to Los Angeles and sat down in an aisle seat in the center block of seats on a 747. A short while later I saw an older gentleman coming up the aisle, holding the hands of a 2-year old blonde girl who wsa walking in front of him. They came up the aisle, stopped right next to me, and he said, “Sir, you just have won the prize! You get to sit with this young lady for the next 12 hours.” I rather suspect he was trying to deflect a negative reaction, but all I could think of to respond was to rub my hands together and say, “Oh goody!” The whole trip the two of us were making up games and doing all sorts of fun things. It was at that moment that I realized I was suffering from Grandparent Deprivation Syndrome (GDS). And there was only one possible cure.
Knowing this the excitement was great in our home a couple of years ago. We got a call from our oldest daughter asking if we could connect on Skype that night, She said she had a very important announcement. I thought to myself, “I know what this announcement is! She’s going to have a baby, awesome!” As the day went on my wife and I got more and more excited. Then the Skype call came through. Our daughter and her husband were there and she said, “Are you ready for the announcement?” I said yes! And she said, “I was just awarded my counseling license!” Yeah, awesome. I tried to look excited.
Around a year ago, however, we had another Skype call and this time it was the announcement we were waiting for. My daughter and her husband were going to have a baby! That announcement changed our lives. My wife started going on the internet every day to relearn the whole process and see what size the baby must be at each stage. It was all pretty exciting stuff! I was suddenly seeking out other grandparents and discussing their annoying pictures at great length. Everything was changing. Then on April 6, 2014, the baby was born. Six pounds nine ounces and twenty and a half inches long. His name is Julien Johann Clouzet.
But why am I telling you all this, beside the fact that I am now one of those annoying grandparents myself? There is an important spiritual lesson in all this. While Julien was born at a certain size he was not at that size three months before. And he has not stayed that size in the days and weeks afterward. He is eating and eating and growing an growing (great diet program for mom!). Every day he is a little bit bigger. Every week there are features there that were not there before. When it comes to babies, both before and after they are born, it’s all about growth, it’s all about development.
You see, growth is wired into everything in life. If a plant or a creature is alive and healthy, it’s going to grow in some way. It is the same way with spiritual life. In Mark 4:26-28 (NIV) Jesus told a parable. It’s unique to Mark. He said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain–  first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head.” It doesn’t take long to figure out that Jesus isn’t telling this story so we can know more about plants.
Notice a few things here. First there’s development. A healthy person never stays in the same place. A healthy person is always growing in some way. If they are no longer growing physically then they are growing mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. When it comes to spiritual things (the kingdom of God) there is growth, development, and change. The parable tells us that spiritual life is developmental, but there is a second piece to it. Spiritual growth is does not arise from human effort. You don’t grow either physically or spiritually by human effort. My daughter today is not working very hard to make the baby grow. She is working very hard to allow the baby to grow (by feeding and caring for its heeds), but the growth itself is actually a miracle, just as it was when Julien was a fetus. You can’t grow spiritually by trying to. When spiritual growth comes, it is always a miracle. For more lesson visit www.the battle of

13 Simple Tricks To A Long And Happy Marriage

It's no secret that marriage takes work. After all, we're only human, and humans make mistakes, have bad days and sometimes even forget to load the dishwasher (again).

Nevertheless, some couples are able to foster happy, healthy, totally awesome marriages that actually do last a lifetime. How?
a Reddit thread emerged Sunday asking the happily hitched to reveal their secrets to marital success. Here's what they had to say:

Sudan yawaibisha mabingwa wa Afrika

Wachezaji wa Nigeria
Mabingwa wateteza wa kombe la taifa bora barani Afrika Nigeria walishangazwa Ugenini baada ya kuchapwa bao moja kwa bila na Sudan na hivyobasi kusalia mkia katika kundi A la michuano ya kufuzu kwa faibnali za dimba hilo.
Bao la Bakri Almadina dakika chache tu kabla ya kipindi cha kwanza kukamilika lilitosha kuiwezesha Sudan kushinda mchuano huo.
Kikosi cha Super Eagles chini ya Ukufunzi wa Stephen Keshi kilihitaji ushindi katika mechi hiyo ili kuanzisha kampeni yake ya kufuzu,baada ya kushindwa na Congo Brazaville na kutoka sare na Afrika kusini .
Katika Matokeo ya mechi zengine:
Malawi 0-2 Algeria
Uganda 0-1 Togo
Ethiopia 0-2 Mali
Mozambique 2-0 Cape Verde
S Leone 0-0 Cameroon
Congo 0-2 South Africa
DR Congo 1-2 Ivory Coast
Niger 0-0 Zambia
Sudan 1-0 Nigeria
Gabon 2-0 B Faso
Guinea 1-1 Ghana

UN:Ebola kudhibitiwa kwa miezi mitatu

David Nabarro

Mjumbe wa Umoja wa Mataifa anayehusika na ugonjwa wa Ebola David Nabarro ameiambia BBC kuwa mlipuko wa ugonjwa huo magharibi mwa Afrika unaweza kudhibitiwa katika kipindi cha miezi mitatu.
Dr.Nabarro alisema kuwa ina maana kuwa visa vipya vya ugonjwa huo vitapungua kila wiki.
Amesema kuwa kwa sasa maambukizi ya ugonjwa wa Ebola ni ya juu hata baada ya kuwepo kwa jitihada za kimataifa.
Nabarro amesema kuwa kuuelewa ugonjwa wa Ebola miongoni mwa jamii zilizoathirika kutasaidia kupambana nao kwa kuwa watu wanaelewa kwamba kuwatenga wagonjwa ndiyo njia bora ya kuzuia maambukizi.
Zaidi ya watu 4000 wameaga dunia kutokana na ugonjwa wa Ebola wengi kutoka mataifa ya Sierra Leone, Liberia na Guinea.